How Long Should A Newborn Nurse On Each Side?

how long should a newborn nurse on each side

As a new mom, navigating the complexities of breastfeeding can be both rewarding and challenging. One common concern many new parents share is understanding "how long should a newborn nurse on each side?" This question is crucial for ensuring your baby gets enough milk and establishes a healthy feeding routine. In this blog, we'll explore the early weeks of breastfeeding, provide practical tips for managing feeding sessions, and highlight the importance of hydration. We're here to support you every step of the way on your breastfeeding journey, helping you and your baby thrive.


The Early Weeks: Establishing a Routine

In the first month of life, your newborn's feeding patterns may seem unpredictable. You may be curious about how much milk they are getting. During these early weeks, it's important to allow your baby to nurse on demand, which means feeding whenever they show signs of hunger. This can help establish a good milk supply and ensure your baby is getting enough milk.


Understanding Feeding Cues and Duration

A typical nursing session for a newborn can last anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes. However, each baby is different, and some may nurse for a shorter or longer time. It's crucial to pay attention to your baby's cues rather than the clock. Here are some signs that your baby is feeding well:

  • Good Latch: Ensure your baby has a good latch to facilitate efficient milk transfer.
  • Wet Diapers: A well-fed baby should have at least 6-8 wet diapers in a 24-hour period.
  • Weight Gain: Regular check-ins with your health care provider can confirm that your baby is gaining weight appropriately.
how long should a newborn nurse on each side

First Breast, Then the Second

Start each feeding session on the breast your baby last finished with. Allow your baby to nurse on the first breast until they seem satisfied, which usually takes about 10-20 minutes. Once the sucking slows and they appear to be done, offer the second breast. Not all babies will take both breasts at every feeding, and that's okay. The next feeding should start on the breast that wasn't nursed on or the one nursed on less.


Tips for Remembering Which Breast to Start Breastfeeding On

Remembering which breast to start breastfeeding on can be a challenge, especially during the early days when your schedule revolves around frequent feeding sessions. Here are some practical tips to help you keep track and ensure your baby receives enough breast milk:


1. Use a Nursing Bracelet or Clip

A simple and effective way to remember is to wear a bracelet or use a clip that you can switch from wrist to wrist or side to side after each feeding. This visual reminder can help you keep track of which breast to start with next.


2. Breastfeeding Apps

Many new moms find breastfeeding apps incredibly helpful. These apps can track the time and duration of each feeding session, as well as which breast was used. Some even provide reminders and helpful tips tailored to your breastfeeding journey.


3. Keep a Notebook or Feeding Log

Writing down each feeding session in a notebook can be a good idea. Note the start time, duration, and which breast you started with. This method not only helps with remembering but also provides a detailed log you can share with your health care provider or lactation consultant.


4. Breast Pads with Reminders

Some breast pads come with a reminder feature, such as a clip or a tag, that you can attach to your bra on the side where your baby should start the next feeding.


By using these tips, you can ensure a smoother breastfeeding experience for both you and your baby, helping to maintain a healthy milk supply and meeting your baby’s needs effectively. Remember, the best way to succeed in your breastfeeding journey is to find what works best for you and your baby. With time, these practices will become second nature, allowing you to focus more on bonding and less on remembering logistics.


how long should a newborn nurse on each side

Cluster Feeding and Growth Spurts

It's also normal for newborns to have periods of cluster feeding, especially during growth spurts. During these times, your baby may nurse more frequently and for longer periods. This helps boost your milk production to meet their growing needs.


Expert Advice and Support

If you're ever unsure or have concerns about your baby's feeding patterns, don't hesitate to reach out to a lactation consultant or join a breastfeeding support group. They can offer personalized guidance and reassurance.


Practical Tips for Successful Nursing Sessions

  • Skin Contact: Skin-to-skin contact can encourage your baby to nurse more effectively and helps strengthen your bond.
  • Comfortable Positions: Experiment with different nursing positions, such as the cradle hold or football hold, to find what works best for you and your baby.
  • Stay Hydrated: Keeping yourself hydrated is crucial for maintaining a healthy milk supply. Our EasyJug water bottles are designed to make hydration simple and efficient, ensuring you have one less thing to worry about.
how long should a newborn nurse on each side

The Importance of Hydration for Breast Milk Production

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining a healthy breast milk supply. As a new mom, ensuring you drink enough water throughout the day can make a significant difference in your breastfeeding journey. Here’s why hydration is essential and how it affects breast milk production.

How Hydration Affects Milk Production

Your body needs fluids to produce milk for your baby. Breast milk is about 90% water, so staying hydrated is key to keeping up with your baby's needs. Dehydration can lead to a decrease in milk supply, making it challenging to provide enough breast milk for your newborn baby.

Key Benefits of Proper Hydration

  1. Maintaining Milk Supply: Adequate hydration supports the production of mature milk, ensuring that your breastfed baby gets the nutrients they need. Drinking water before and during feeding sessions can help sustain a consistent milk flow.

  2. Supporting Let-Down Reflex: Staying hydrated can improve your let-down reflex, making it easier for your baby to feed. The let-down reflex is essential for transferring milk from your breasts to your baby efficiently.

  3. Enhancing Overall Health: Proper hydration benefits your overall health and well-being, which is crucial when you are nursing. It helps maintain your energy levels and supports the body's natural functions, including digestion and milk production.

Tips for Staying Hydrated

    • Drink Regularly: Aim to drink water throughout the day, especially before, during, and after breastfeeding sessions. Using a convenient and accessible water bottle like EasyJug can make it easier to remember to stay hydrated.
    • Monitor Your Fluid Intake: Keep track of how much water you are drinking. 
    • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth, headaches, fatigue or dark urine. These are cues that you need to increase your fluid intake.
    • Incorporate Hydrating Foods: Foods with high water content, like fruits and vegetables, can also contribute to your hydration needs. These foods are beneficial for both your hydration and overall nutrition.

Hydration During Growth Spurts and Other Changes

During your baby’s growth spurts, they may nurse more frequently, increasing the demand for breast milk. Staying well-hydrated during these times is crucial to keep up with their needs. Additionally, as your baby grows and their feeding schedule evolves, maintaining consistent hydration can support your milk supply during these transitions.

how long should a newborn nurse on each side

Why EasyJug is the Best Water Bottle for Breastfeeding Moms

As a new mom, staying hydrated is essential for maintaining a healthy breast milk supply and overall well-being. EasyJug is designed specifically with breastfeeding moms in mind, making it the perfect companion during your breastfeeding journey. Here’s why EasyJug stands out as the best water bottle for breastfeeding moms:


1. Generous Capacity

EasyJug holds a substantial 2.2 liters of water, ensuring that you have enough fluids to stay hydrated throughout the day. This is particularly important for producing breast milk and supporting the needs of breastfed babies.


2. Hands-Free Hydration

The convenient 47-inch straw allows you to hydrate hands-free in any breastfeeding position, even while lying down. This feature is especially useful during late-night feeds. You can keep EasyJug by your bedside and easily sip water while nursing in the side-lying position, ensuring you stay comfortable and hydrated without having to sit up.


3. Perfect for Post-Delivery

Pack EasyJug in your hospital bag and drink easily post-delivery when it may be uncomfortable to move or sit up. After giving birth, whether you had a natural delivery or a cesarean section, mobility can be limited. EasyJug helps you stay hydrated without the need for extra movement, promoting a smoother recovery.


4. Ideal for Your Nursing Station

Keep EasyJug at your nursing station so you can stay hydrated when your hands are full holding your baby. Whether you’re dealing with frequent feeding sessions during your baby's growth spurt or managing the feeding schedule of a newborn, having EasyJug within reach ensures you maintain your hydration levels.


5. Leak-Proof Design

After you’re done drinking, you can clip the straw on top of the lid to prevent leakage. This makes EasyJug easy to sip from and prevents spills, allowing you to relax and focus on your baby without worrying about messes.


6. Support for Healthy Habits

Staying hydrated supports breastfeeding and recovery. Proper hydration can help with milk production, ensuring your baby gets enough milk and meets their feeding needs. It also aids in digestion, preventing issues like constipation and promoting regular bowel movements for both you and your baby.


7. Encourages Hydration During All Feeding Positions

Whether you’re using a breast pump, feeding with infant formula, or nursing directly, EasyJug accommodates all breastfeeding routines. The long straw design allows for hydration in any position, making it versatile for different feeding times and methods.


8. Ease of Use and Practicality

EasyJug is simple to use and clean, which is essential for busy new parents. Its large capacity reduces the need for constant refills, and the easy-to-use straw makes drinking effortless, even when your hands are occupied with your newborn baby.

EasyJug is more than just a water bottle; it’s a vital tool for breastfeeding moms to support hydration, promote healthy habits, and ensure a smooth breastfeeding journey. By making hydration simple and efficient, EasyJug helps you focus on what matters most—caring for your new baby and enjoying those precious early days together.  Stay hydrated, support your breastfeeding journey, and promote your recovery with EasyJug—the best water bottle for breastfeeding moms.


how long should a newborn nurse on each side


Breastfeeding is a unique journey that can be both rewarding and challenging. Understanding how long a newborn should nurse on each side, staying hydrated, and remembering which breast to start with are crucial for a successful breastfeeding experience. By paying attention to your baby's cues, establishing a routine, and staying hydrated with tools like EasyJug, you can ensure your baby receives the perfect amount of milk and the best start in life. Remember, you are not alone on this journey—reach out to support groups, lactation consultants, and fellow moms to share experiences and gain valuable insights. With patience and the right support, breastfeeding can become a fulfilling and beautiful bonding experience for you and your baby. Stay hydrated, support your breastfeeding journey, and enjoy these precious early days with your little one.

Community & Support 

We know the beautiful chaos of motherhood – the endless feedings, diaper changes, and sleepless nights. Amidst all this love and care, it's easy to forget about your own well-being. That's where EasyJug steps in – to make hydration a breeze for you.

Join our community of nurturing mothers and prioritize your health with EasyJug. Sign up now to receive exclusive tips on staying hydrated during your breastfeeding journey, along with special offers just for you.

Because when you take care of yourself, you can give your little one the best version of you. Let's hydrate together and thrive as moms!

Sign up today and get 10% off your first purchase!


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