How to Drink Bone Broth for Pregnancy Health Benefits

How to Drink Bone Broth for Pregnancy Health Benefits

Today we're diving into the soothing world of bone broth—a natural elixir that has graced the kitchens of many cultures for centuries, and for good reason. During and after pregnancy, your body embarks on a beautiful, albeit demanding, journey. Balancing your nutrition is key, and what better way to support your body than with a warm, nourishing cup of bone broth? Let's explore how often you should integrate this nutrient powerhouse into your daily routine to support your gut health, connective tissue, and so much more.


The Nourishing Benefits of Bone Broth

Bone broth, crafted from simmering animal bones, is rich in essential amino acids like glycine and glutamine, which play a crucial role in maintaining your digestive tract and immune system. For you, the expectant or new mama, this means beef bone broth or chicken bone broth can be a comforting ally against common pregnancy-related concerns like joint pain and digestive issues.

Not only does a cup of bone broth offer grams of protein, but it also contains healthy fats and minerals that contribute to joint health—a boon when you're carrying the extra weight of your beautiful baby. Plus, the hyaluronic acid found in bone marrow can help manage chronic inflammation, which may flare up during pregnancy.


Profound Nutritional Support

Bone broth, rich in collagen protein and amino acids like glycine and glutamine, plays a vital role in supporting the human body during the demanding times of pregnancy. Glycine has a reputation for aiding the body's ability to heal and repair—beneficial for both leaky gut syndrome and the prevention of stretch marks, which are common concerns during pregnancy. The collagen protein in real bone broth can also help with maintaining skin elasticity.

Bone Broth Benefits for Skin

Digestive Health and Immune System Boosting

For those who may be experiencing digestive discomforts such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), the amino acid glutamine in bone broth can provide relief by supporting intestinal health. Its anti-inflammatory properties may also ease the symptoms of autoimmune diseases that can sometimes flare up during pregnancy.

Weight Management

High protein content in bone broth supports energy levels and can be instrumental in meeting weight loss goals postpartum.

Pregnancy and the early weeks of postpartum is the wrong time to practice intermittent fasting, following a paleo or keto diet to achieve weight loss goals. Focus more on eating a healthy diet.  You need extra calories at this time.  

But How Much Bone Broth Should You Drink?

While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, integrating a cup of bone broth into your daily routine is a great way to start. For pregnant and postpartum breastfeeding moms, sipping on bone broth can be especially beneficial. It's a simple way to ingest essential nutrients that support overall health.


Creating Your Own Bone Broth

Making your own bone broth at home is easy and ensures you're getting the most out of those essential nutrients without the additives found in some grocery store options. By simmering fish bones, chicken bones, or beef bones with a splash of apple cider vinegar, you extract the most abundant protein—collagen—into your broth. This process, which can be done in a slow cooker, also makes your bone broth rich in amino acids like glycine, which are crucial for skin health and may even alleviate the appearance of fine lines.

Check out our blog post recipe on "Make Bone Broth Fast.  The Ultimate Guide for Busy New Moms."

Bone Broth Recipe in Crockpot

Convenience and Quality

While making bone broth at home with a large pot and your choice of bones—chicken, beef, or fish—ensures the highest quality and best results, today's busy lifestyles may not always allow for that. Thankfully, grocery stores and health food shops now offer pre-made options like bone broth powder and dehydrated bone broth, which retain much of the protein content and essential nutrients. These are an easy way to enjoy the benefits without the cooking process, especially when you need that hot water fix but are short on time.

Incorporating Bone Broth into Your Diet

For a balanced diet, consider starting your morning with a warm cup of homemade bone broth—think of it as your daily tea. It's a great addition to your breakfast routine, setting a positive tone for the day and helping to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Timing and Quantity

The best time to drink bone broth is when it aligns with your needs and daily routine. Some moms find drinking a cup first thing in the morning on an empty stomach maximizes health benefits, while others may prefer it as a soothing end to their day. When it comes to quantity, 1-2 cups of bone broth daily is a great way to ensure you're getting those beneficial nutrients without overdoing your calorie intake.

How to Drink Bone Broth

Staying Hydrated During Pregnancy and Postpartum: The Lifeline for Motherhood Wellness

Hydration is the cornerstone of health, especially during the transformative phases of pregnancy and postpartum. Water is the lifeblood of our bodily functions, and when you're expecting or have recently given birth, the demand for proper hydration becomes even more critical. Let's dive into why keeping your hydration levels optimal is a non-negotiable part of your daily self-care regimen during these precious stages of motherhood.


Essential for Amniotic Fluid and Breast Milk Production

During pregnancy, your body requires additional water to form the amniotic fluid that surrounds and protects your growing baby. Adequate hydration contributes to the volume of amniotic fluid, which is essential for fetal health. Postpartum, as you enter the breastfeeding chapter, your body relies heavily on water to produce breast milk. Staying well-hydrated ensures a sufficient milk supply for your little one's nutrition.


Supports Nutrient Transport and Waste Removal

Water acts as a conduit in the body, facilitating the transport of vital nutrients to your cells and to your baby. It also aids in flushing out waste products and toxins, keeping both you and your baby free from harmful substances. During postpartum recovery, this process helps your body heal and return to its pre-pregnancy state more efficiently.


Prevents Dehydration and Its Complications

Dehydration during pregnancy can lead to serious complications, including decreased amniotic fluid, and in severe cases, preterm labor. Postpartum dehydration can affect your energy levels and mood, as well as your milk production. By staying hydrated, you can mitigate these risks and maintain your overall well-being.

 Bone Broth for Hydration During Pregnancy

Regulates Body Temperature

Pregnancy increases your metabolic rate and, consequently, your body temperature. Adequate fluid intake helps regulate your temperature and keeps you comfortable. After delivery, as your body adjusts and your hormones stabilize, hydration continues to play a role in maintaining your body temperature.


Enhances Physical and Cognitive Function

Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining physical performance and cognitive function. During pregnancy and after delivery, you need to be at your physical and mental best to manage the demands of motherhood. Drinking enough fluids can improve concentration, reduce headaches, and maintain muscle function.


How Much Water Should You Drink?

The amount of water needed can vary from person to person and depends on various factors, including activity level, climate, and whether you're breastfeeding. A common recommendation is to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, which is about 2 liters. However, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider for individualized advice.


Incorporate fluids through various sources, not just water. Herbal teas, bone broth, and water-rich fruits and vegetables can also contribute to your hydration status. While caffeine is a diuretic and should be limited, occasional moderate consumption can fit into your fluid intake. Always listen to your body—it's the best indicator of your hydration needs.

EasyJug Your Hydration Companion in Motherhood

EasyJug handsfree water bottle to support hydration with bone broth

New motherhood is an exhilarating journey, but it's also a marathon that requires you to stay hydrated. Meet EasyJug, the hands-free water bottle designed with the supermom in mind. When you're juggling the demands of a newborn, remembering to take a sip of water can fall by the wayside. That's where EasyJug steps in to ensure that staying hydrated is one less thing to worry about.


Sip with Ease

With its revolutionary 47-inch straw, EasyJug lets you hydrate comfortably in any position, even lying down.  Whether you're breastfeeding at 3 AM or recovering from childbirth, EasyJug makes staying hydrated a no-brainer. This feature is a game-changer for nighttime feedings when you're trying to satisfy your baby's hunger without disrupting the tranquility of the night.


Always Within Reach

Thanks to the external clip, EasyJug's straw can be attached to your clothing, keeping hydration literally at your chest. It’s a constant, gentle reminder to take care of yourself while you're taking care of your little one. With EasyJug, a refreshing sip of water is always at your fingertips.


Less Refilling, More Cuddling

The generous 74 oz capacity means you'll have plenty of water on hand, minimizing those frequent trips to refill. More time for snuggles? Yes, please! And for breastfeeding moms, this is particularly beneficial, as adequate hydration is key maternal health and supporting your milk supply.


Cleaning Made Simple

We know that new moms have enough on their plates, so EasyJug is designed to be as low-maintenance as possible. The jug itself is dishwasher safe for effortless cleaning. Plus, it comes with a custom cleaning brush, ensuring the straw is always fresh and ready for your next hydrating session.


To the powerful mothers out there, remember that your health is paramount. Bone broth is more than just a trend; it's a traditional remedy brimming with health benefits, from supporting your gut to nurturing your growing baby. Whether you choose a bone broth diet plan or simply add it to your meals, it's a supportive measure for your general health. Listen to your body, consult with your healthcare provider, and let bone broth be a part of your journey to good health and vitality. Here's to your health, one sip at a time!


Remember, every body is unique, especially during the transformative stages of pregnancy and postpartum. Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, especially when it concerns the health and well-being of you and your little one.


Community & Support 


We know the beautiful chaos of motherhood – the endless feedings, diaper changes, and sleepless nights. Amidst all this love and care, it's easy to forget about your own well-being. That's where EasyJug steps in – to make hydration a breeze for you.

Join our community of nurturing mothers and prioritize your health with EasyJug. Sign up now to receive exclusive tips on staying hydrated during your breastfeeding journey, along with special offers just for you.

Because when you take care of yourself, you can give your little one the best version of you. Let's hydrate together and thrive as moms!


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