Popular Virgin Drinks For Pregnant & Breastfeeding Moms

popular virgin drinks

Staying hydrated is crucial for everyone, but it becomes even more important during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Proper hydration supports your overall health and ensures that your body can efficiently produce breast milk, which is essential for your baby's growth and development. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of hydration and how incorporating popular virgin drinks can make staying hydrated more enjoyable. We're also excited to share mocktail recipes with ingredients that may support milk production, offering a delicious and beneficial way to maintain optimal hydration. Let's dive into some of the best mocktail recipes for pregnant and breastfeeding moms! 


The Benefits of Hydration for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Moms

Hydration is crucial for everyone, but it becomes even more vital during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Proper hydration supports your overall health and ensures that your body can efficiently produce breast milk, which is essential for your baby's growth and development. Let's explore the benefits of hydration and how incorporating virgin mocktails can make staying hydrated more enjoyable.

Why Hydration Matters

  1. Supports Vital Functions: Water is essential for numerous bodily functions, including digestion, nutrient absorption, and temperature regulation. For pregnant and breastfeeding moms, staying hydrated helps maintain these critical processes, ensuring both you and your baby receive the necessary nutrients.

  2. Reduces Fatigue: Dehydration can lead to fatigue and low energy levels. Staying well-hydrated helps combat tiredness, keeping you more alert and energized throughout the day.

  3. Promotes Healthy Skin: Pregnancy can bring about various skin changes. Proper hydration helps maintain skin elasticity and can reduce issues like dryness and itching.

  4. Aids Digestion: Drinking enough fluids can prevent common pregnancy-related digestive issues, such as constipation and heartburn.

  5. Supports Breast Milk Production: Adequate hydration is essential for producing a sufficient supply of breast milk. It ensures that your milk remains nutrient-rich and beneficial for your baby's development.

How Virgin Mocktails Fit In

Virgin mocktails are a fantastic way to stay hydrated while enjoying a variety of delicious and refreshing flavors. These alcohol-free drinks are perfect for pregnant and breastfeeding moms, offering a fun and flavorful alternative to plain water. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Variety and Enjoyment: Virgin mocktails, like those made with cranberry juice, ginger ale, tonic water, and club soda, provide a fun drink experience that breaks the monotony of regular water. You can enjoy your favorite cocktail flavors without the alcohol, making it easy to stay hydrated.

  2. Nutritional Boost: Many virgin mocktails include ingredients like fresh fruit juice and sparkling water, which add vitamins and minerals to your diet. For example, cranberry juice is rich in antioxidants, while grapefruit juice provides a good dose of vitamin C.

  3. Health-Conscious Choices: Non-alcoholic cocktails, such as those made with non-alcoholic gin or non-alcoholic vodka, offer the real thing in terms of flavor profiles without the negative health impacts of alcohol. These drinks are great for health reasons and align with movements like Dry January and Sober October.

  4. Hydration with Benefits: Ingredients like coconut water and fresh ginger not only add flavor but also enhance hydration and provide additional health benefits. Coconut water is known for its excellent hydration properties, while ginger aids digestion and can help reduce nausea.

Popular Virgin Drinks for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Moms: Hydration and Flavor Combined

1. Virgin Piña Colada

A classic favorite, the Virgin Piña Colada is a tropical delight that's perfect for a real scorcher of a day. This non-alcoholic version retains all the delicious flavors without the booze.


  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 1 cup pineapple juice
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons simple syrup
  • Ice cubes
  • Pineapple slices and maraschino cherries for garnish


  1. In a blender, combine coconut water, pineapple juice, coconut milk, fresh lime juice, and simple syrup.
  2. Add a handful of ice cubes and blend until smooth.
  3. Pour into a chilled glass and garnish with pineapple slices and maraschino cherries.
  4. Enjoy this refreshing drink that's sure to please your taste buds!

2. Shirley Temple

The Shirley Temple is a beloved non-alcoholic beverage that's as fun to drink as it is to make. Perfect for those looking for a delicious non-alcoholic drink with a touch of nostalgia.


  • 1 cup lemon-lime soda
  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon grenadine
  • Ice cubes
  • Maraschino cherries for garnish


  1. Fill a tall glass with ice cubes.
  2. Pour lemon-lime soda and orange juice over the ice.
  3. Add grenadine and stir gently.
  4. Garnish with maraschino cherries.
  5. Serve this great option at your next family gathering for a touch of fun and flavor.

3. Virgin Mojito

A refreshing drink with a burst of fresh mint and lime, the Virgin Mojito is a fantastic choice for a hot summer day or a designated driver.


    • 1/2 cup fresh lime juice
    • 1 tablespoon simple syrup
    • Fresh mint leaves
    • Soda water
    • Ice cubes
    • Lime wedges and mint sprigs for garnish


  1. In a glass, muddle fresh mint leaves with simple syrup and fresh lime juice.
  2. Fill the glass with ice cubes.
  3. Top with soda water and stir gently.
  4. Garnish with a lime wedge and a mint sprig.
  5. Enjoy this refreshing, alcohol-free version of a classic mojito!

4. Virgin Mary

For those who enjoy a savory drink, the Virgin Mary offers all the bold flavors of a Bloody Mary without the alcohol.  Do you love Bloody Mary's? Check out our blog post?  Mommy Time: Sip the Best Virgin Bloody Mary V8 Recipe


  • 1 cup tomato juice
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon hot sauce
  • Celery salt and black pepper to taste
  • Ice cubes
  • Celery stalks and lemon wedges for garnish


  1. In a shaker, combine tomato juice, fresh lime juice, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, celery salt, and black pepper.
  2. Shake well and pour over ice cubes in a tall glass.
  3. Garnish with a celery stalk and a lemon wedge.
  4. Enjoy this non-alcoholic beverage that’s both nutritious and delicious.

5. Arnold Palmer

The Arnold Palmer is a delightful mix of iced tea and lemonade, offering a refreshing drink that's perfect for any time of day.


  • 1/2 cup brewed iced tea, cooled
  • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice or lemonade
  • 2 tablespoons simple syrup
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon slices for garnish


  1. In a glass, combine iced tea, fresh lemon juice, and simple syrup.
  2. Stir well and add ice cubes.
  3. Garnish with lemon slices.
  4. Enjoy this classic drink that combines the best of both worlds.

Virgin Mocktails That Support Breast Milk Production: Delicious and Nutritious Choices for Breastfeeding Moms

1. Fennel and Basil Mocktail

Fennel and basil are known for their lactation-boosting properties. This refreshing drink combines these herbs with lemon and honey for a deliciously supportive beverage.


  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 1 tablespoon fennel seeds
  • 5-6 fresh basil leaves
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon slices for garnish


  1. Steep fennel seeds in hot water for 10 minutes, then strain and cool.
  2. In a glass, muddle fresh basil leaves.
  3. Add ice cubes, coconut water, lemon juice, and honey.
  4. Pour in the fennel-infused water and stir well.
  5. Garnish with lemon slices and enjoy this refreshing drink that supports lactation.

2. Carrot and Beetroot Mocktail

Carrots and beets are rich in beta-carotene and iron, which are essential for lactation. This vibrant mocktail is both nutritious and tasty.


  • 1 cup fresh carrot juice
  • 1/2 cup beetroot juice
  • 1/2 cup coconut water
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Ice cubes
  • Fresh mint leaves for garnish


  1. In a glass, combine fresh carrot juice, beetroot juice, and coconut water.
  2. Add lemon juice and honey, then stir well.
  3. Fill the glass with ice cubes and garnish with fresh mint leaves.
  4. Enjoy this colorful and healthful drink that supports lactation.

3. Fenugreek and Mango Mocktail

Fenugreek is known for its lactation-boosting properties, and this mocktail combines it with the sweet flavor of mango.


  • 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, soaked in water overnight
  • 1 cup mango juice
  • 1/2 cup coconut water
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Ice cubes
  • Fresh mint leaves for garnish


  1. Drain the soaked fenugreek seeds and blend them with a little water to make a smooth paste.
  2. In a glass, combine mango juice, coconut water, lemon juice, honey, and fenugreek paste.
  3. Stir well and add ice cubes.
  4. Garnish with fresh mint leaves.
  5. Enjoy this tropical mocktail that supports lactation.

How EasyJug Supports Your Hydration & Motherhood  Journey

At EasyJug, we understand the unique hydration needs of breastfeeding moms. Our innovative water bottle is designed to make staying hydrated as convenient and effortless as possible, ensuring you can focus on caring for your baby.


Convenient and Practical Design

EasyJug is a 2.2L breastfeeding water bottle with a 47-inch long straw, allowing hands-free hydration in any breastfeeding position, even while lying down. Here's how EasyJug makes a difference:

  • Hands-Free Hydration: Drink comfortably in any breastfeeding position without needing to adjust your position or interrupt your session.
  • Large Capacity: Holds 2.2 liters, ensuring you stay hydrated throughout the day.

Perfect for Post-Delivery

Pack EasyJug in your hospital bag to make those crucial post-delivery days more comfortable:

  • Post-Delivery Comfort: Drink easily without needing to sit up or move around, promoting comfort and aiding recovery.

Ideal for Nursing Stations

Keep EasyJug at your nursing station for easy access to hydration:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink effortlessly while holding your baby, thanks to the long straw design.

Nighttime Hydration Made Easy

Late-night feeds are easier with EasyJug by your side:

  • Nighttime Convenience: Hydrate comfortably in the side-lying position without disturbing your sleeping baby.

Leak-Proof and Easy to Use

After drinking, clip the straw on top of the lid to prevent leaks:

  • Easy to Use: Simply clip the straw to prevent spills and ensure it's always ready for your next sip.

Promoting Healthy Habits and Recovery

Staying hydrated is essential for your health and your baby's well-being:

  • Supports Breastfeeding: Maintain optimal hydration levels to support milk production.
  • Aids Recovery: Ensures you receive the essential nutrients and fluids needed for recovery.


Staying hydrated is essential for new moms, and EasyJug is here to make that journey smoother. With our thoughtfully designed water bottle and these delicious virgin drinks, you can ensure both you and your baby stay healthy and happy. Incorporate these refreshing mocktails into your routine to enjoy the benefits of hydration while savoring the flavors you love. EasyJug is committed to supporting your hydration needs with convenience and care, helping you focus on what matters most—caring for your little one. Cheers to a healthier, more hydrated you!

Community & Support 

We know the beautiful chaos of motherhood – the endless feedings, diaper changes, and sleepless nights. Amidst all this love and care, it's easy to forget about your own well-being. That's where EasyJug steps in – to make hydration a breeze for you.

Join our community of nurturing mothers and prioritize your health with EasyJug. Sign up now to receive exclusive tips on staying hydrated during your breastfeeding journey, along with special offers just for you.

Because when you take care of yourself, you can give your little one the best version of you. Let's hydrate together and thrive as moms!

Sign up today and get 10% off your first purchase!

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