The Best Water Bottle for Breastfeeding Moms: EasyJug

EasyJug the best water bottle for breastfeeding Moms

If you're on the incredible journey of breastfeeding, you know how crucial it is to stay hydrated. After all, breast milk is about 90% water, and your fluid intake can affect your milk supply. But let's be real, when you've got a breastfed baby in your arms, grabbing a drink is often easier said than done. That's why I'm thrilled to introduce you to EasyJug—the first hands-free water bottle that lets you sip with ease while you nurture your little one.


Why Hydration is a Breastfeeding Mom's Best Friend

Hydration is the silent hero in your breastfeeding saga. It can help maintain your milk supply, ensuring that your breastfed baby gets all the nutrients they need to thrive. But it's not just about the amount of milk; it's also about the quality. Adequate hydration keeps your milk rich and nourishing, perfect for your growing baby's needs. And guess what? Staying hydrated can even help you recover from childbirth faster and prevent postpartum health problems!

  • Aids Physical Healing: Proper hydration is essential for cell regeneration and tissue repair, helping your body heal from the rigors of childbirth more efficiently.

  • Enhances Breast Milk Production: Staying hydrated supports the production of breast milk, which is primarily composed of water, ensuring your baby receives ample nutrition.

  • Reduces Risk of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Increased fluid intake helps flush bacteria from the urinary tract, reducing the risk of postpartum UTIs.

  • Promotes Cardiovascular Health: Adequate hydration helps maintain healthy blood volume and pressure, easing the workload on your heart as it adjusts post-pregnancy.

  • Improves Energy Levels and Mood: Dehydration can lead to fatigue and mood fluctuations; drinking enough water can boost energy and contribute to overall mood stability.

  • Supports Digestive Health: Hydration helps prevent constipation, a common postpartum concern, by keeping the digestive system flowing.

  • Assists Weight Management: Drinking water can increase feelings of fullness and boost metabolism, helping to manage postpartum weight when combined with a healthy diet.

  • Improves Skin Elasticity: Hydration can aid skin elasticity, which may have been stretched during pregnancy, supporting the skin as it returns to its pre-pregnancy state.

  • Decreases Swelling: Fluid retention is common after delivery, and drinking plenty of water helps your body shed excess fluid, reducing swelling.

With hydration being this integral to postpartum care, having a convenient and hands-free water bottle like EasyJug could be a true lifesaver for new mothers.

How Much Water Does a Nursing Mom Need?

A general rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in fluid ounces. The experts, like those at the Mayo Clinic, recommend that breastfeeding moms drink more water than usual—aiming for around 128 ounces (that's about 3.7 liters or a gallon) a day. But don't let these numbers intimidate you; your body will cue you in when you need to up your water intake. Just listen to your thirst, and you'll be on the right track.  It may feel like a ton of water, but you'll be on track with the general guidelines for hydration. 


EasyJug is a 74 oz water bottle which equals 9 cups of water.  You only need to refill your EasyJug once in order to meet your daily hydration goals.  


EasyJug the best water bottle for breastfeeding moms


The Real Hydration Struggles Every Breastfeeding Mom Faces

Every mom's breastfeeding journey is unique, but the struggle to stay hydrated is nearly universal. Here's a look at why getting enough water can be surprisingly tough when you're nursing:


  • Post-Cesarean Pain: Recovering from a C-section? That can make any movement, including sitting up to sip water, a challenge. Your core is healing, and every motion counts—so reaching for that water bottle might be more of a feat than it seems.

  • Hands Full, Literally: With both hands gently supporting your breastfeeding baby to ensure a proper latch, you've got no spare hand to grab a drink. It's a balancing act where, too often, your hydration takes the backseat.

  • The Dreaded Empty Bottle: You're finally settled in a comfy spot, baby is happily nursing, and... your water bottle is empty. Getting up for a refill isn't always an option, especially when you're home alone with your little one.

  • Baby's Cozy Slumber Trap: There's nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby in your arms—until you realize you're parched and your water is just inches away. Yet, shifting might mean waking your peaceful angel, and that's a risk you might not be willing to take.

  • Breastfeeding Marathons: Some late night feeds, it feels like you're nursing for hours on end. Exhaustion sets in, and even though you know you should hydrate, the thought of getting up to fetch water feels as daunting as running a marathon yourself.

  • Erratic Schedules and Missed Meals: Your eating and drinking schedule can become as sporadic as your baby's sleep patterns. You're so focused on your baby getting enough milk that you forget to ensure you're getting enough water.

  • Multi-Tasking Mayhem: Juggling diaper changes, soothing cries, and perhaps attending to other children or household tasks can make grabbing a drink a low priority—until dehydration sneaks up on you.

  • The Early Days of Cluster Feeding: When your newborn is cluster feeding, you're often pinned to one spot for what seems like eternity. Your water needs can fall by the wayside as you cater to your baby's frequent and lengthy feeds.

  • Physical Barriers: Limited mobility due to postpartum discomfort or complications can make it hard to reach for water without assistance, turning what was once a simple act into a cumbersome challenge.

Each of these scenarios speaks to a day in the life of a breastfeeding mom—full of love and devotion, yet riddled with tiny trials, including staying well-hydrated. It's these moments that underscore the need for a solution that can adapt to the dynamic nature of motherhood, ensuring that mom's hydration is as much a priority as baby's nutrition. That's where a product like EasyJug becomes more than just a water bottle—it becomes an indispensable part to providing a new mother with the best start in her breastfeeding journey.

Designed for the Breastfeeding Journey and Beyond

EasyJug the best water bottle for breastfeeding moms

With EasyJug, you can express milk, tend to your breastfed babies, or even enjoy a moment on TikTok—make every second of your mom-life easier.  Whether you’re dealing with older babies or your first baby, EasyJug is an absolute game-changer, ensuring you have enough water to support your breastfeeding journey. 

EasyJug isn’t just another water bottle—it’s a carefully engineered companion for breastfeeding moms. Our design process was unique because it was driven by those who would use it every day. We invited pregnant and new postpartum moms to join our focus group, ensuring that every feature of EasyJug was molded to fit the real-life needs of breastfeeding moms. Their experiences and challenges were our blueprint, guiding us to create a bottle with a hands-free, long straw for easy access and a capacity generous enough to reduce the number of refills needed throughout the day

This collaborative effort resulted in more than just a hydration tool; it's a supportive friend during the postpartum period, ensuring that mothers can comfortably and easily stay hydrated without interrupting the tender moments of nursing. The end product is a testament to the thoughtful details that can only come from genuine user experiences, making EasyJug a true standout in its category and a steadfast supporter of breastfeeding moms everywhere.


EasyJug: Your Hydration Hero

EasyJug is unlike any other plastic water bottles; it's a breastfeeding mom's best ally. 

When you're a new mom, every little convenience matters, especially when it comes to staying hydrated. EasyJug has been meticulously designed to be more than just a water bottle—it's your personal hydration assistant. Here's how EasyJug addresses each breastfeeding hydration hurdle with smart, mom-centric design:

EasyJug the best water bottle for breastfeeding moms
  • Generous 2.2-Liter Capacity: Less time refilling means more time bonding with your baby. With EasyJug's ample size, meeting your hydration goals is easier and more convenient.

    • Benefit: Tackle your daily water intake with fewer refills. The generous capacity is specifically designed to support the recommended water intake for breastfeeding moms.
  • 47-Inch Long Straw: This feature brings the water to you, so you never have to stretch or strain, no matter your breastfeeding position.

    • Benefit: Perfect for post-cesarean recovery or night-time feedings, the convenient 47-inch straw allows you to hydrate while lying down, bypassing the discomfort of moving just to take a sip. This is a total game changer especially for late night marathon breastfeeding sessions. 
  • Stay-Put Straw Clip: Attached to the lid, this clip ensures that your straw stays in place, keeping it clean and ready for the next drink.

    • Benefit: You have one less thing to worry about with the straw clip that prevents spills and keeps your straw exactly where you need it.
  • External Clip for Clothing: With this accessory, you can secure the straw to your clothing for the ultimate hands-free hydration experience.

    • Benefit: When you're soothing your baby, the clip keeps hydration ready and accessible without you having to hold the bottle.
  • Custom Cleaning Brush: Designed to match the straw's dimensions, the brush ensures your EasyJug stays hygienic and ready for use.

    • Benefit: Maintaining your EasyJug is hassle-free, making it one less worry in your busy mom life.
  • The Ultimate Bundle: Combine the EasyJug, the external clip, and the cleaning brush in one convenient package, complete with free standard shipping.

    • Benefit: This bundle offers value, ease, and simplicity—all the essentials to keep you hydrated without the fuss.
EasyJug the best water bottle for breastfeeding moms

With EasyJug, you don't just get a water bottle; you get a breastfeeding support system that ensures your hydration is as nurtured as your baby's nutrition. Embrace this companion in your motherhood journey and feel the difference in your postpartum recovery and nursing experience.

Commitment to Health and Environment

  • BPA-Free Material: Your safety is our priority. EasyJug is made from BPA-free materials, ensuring that your health and your baby's health are never compromised.

  • Recyclable: We care about the planet just as much as we care about our moms. EasyJug is fully recyclable, aligning with your eco-conscious values.

  • Care Instructions: It is a good idea to hand wash EasyJug, it's also dishwasher safe for those days when convenience is key—just remember to turn off the dry heat.

Stay Hydrated Effortlessly with EasyJug

EasyJug the best water bottle for breastfeeding Moms

Maximize Your Hydration with EasyJug—The Must-Have for Moms

As a mom, staying hydrated is essential, but it's often easier said than done. Whether you're in the final stretch of pregnancy, navigating the world of newborn care, or up all night with feedings, water is your best friend. EasyJug is here to ensure that a refreshing sip is always within reach, without the hassle. Here's how to make the most of your EasyJug and why it should be your constant companion:

  • By Your Bedside: Make restless nights and thirsty mornings a thing of the past. Keeping EasyJug by your bed gives you the convenience of hydration at arm's length—crucial for the third trimester or those round-the-clock nursing sessions.

  • In Your Hospital Bag: Childbirth is a marathon that requires strength and hydration. When you pack EasyJug in your hospital bag it's one less thing to worry about, letting you focus on the miracle of birth with easy access to water throughout labor and your hospital stay.

  • At Your Nursing Station: Create a serene spot for you and your baby that includes EasyJug. When thirst strikes, you won’t have to pause the precious moment of bonding; just sip and continue cherishing the connection with your little one.

EasyJug the best water bottle for breastfeeding moms

The Talk of the Town: New Moms Love EasyJug

Don't just take our word for it; the 5-star reviews are pouring in! Health care providers are calling EasyJug a cult favorite of doulas and lactation consultants and the go-to baby shower gift.  You can add EasyJug to your baby registry on Babylist and Amazon!


Your Hydration Station Awaits

As we wrap up, let’s remember that EasyJug is more than a hydration solution; it’s a companion for the breastfeeding journey, designed with direct input from moms like you. Every feature, from the hands-free design to the generous capacity, is tailored to ensure that staying hydrated is one less hurdle in your day. It’s time to simplify your routine and keep your focus on what matters most: nourishing your baby and taking care of yourself. Upgrade your nursing experience with EasyJug—because you and your baby deserve the best start. Ready to make hydration hassle-free? Order your EasyJug today and toast to your health and well-being with every sip!


Community & Support 

We know the beautiful chaos of motherhood – the endless feedings, diaper changes, and sleepless nights. Amidst all this love and care, it's easy to forget about your own well-being. That's where EasyJug steps in – to make hydration a breeze for you.

Join our community of nurturing mothers and prioritize your health with EasyJug. Sign up now to receive exclusive tips on staying hydrated during your breastfeeding journey, along with special offers just for you.

Because when you take care of yourself, you can give your little one the best version of you. Let's hydrate together and thrive as moms!

Sign up today and get 10% off your first purchase!

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